@misc{boujoudarCompositeFiniteVolume2024, abstract = {In this work we focus on an adaptation of the method described in [1] in order to deal with source term in the 2D Euler equations. This method extends classical 1D solvers (such as VFFC, Roe, Rusanov) to the two-dimensional case on unstructured meshes. The resulting schemes are said to be composite as they can be written as a convex combination of a purely node-based scheme and a purely edge-based scheme. We combine this extension with the ideas developed by Alouges, Ghidaglia and Tajchman in an unpublished work [2] -- focused mainly on the 1D case -- and we propose two attempts at discretizing the source term of the Euler equations in order to better preserve stationary solutions. We compare these discretizations with the ``usual'' centered discretization on several numerical examples.}, archiveprefix = {HAL}, author = {Boujoudar, Mohamed and Franck, Emmanuel and Hoch, Philippe and Lasuen, Clément and Hénaff, Yoann Le and Paragot, Paul}, copyright = {All rights reserved}, eprint = {HAL}, langid = {english}, month = {April}, number = {HAL}, publisher = {HAL}, title = {A Composite Finite Volume Scheme for the Euler Equations with Source Term on Unstructured Meshes}, year = {2024} }